Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden - Master Global Health
Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden

Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden is coordinating the Global Health Institute at UAntwerp since October 2009. He worked for over a decade as a clinician and a manager in several humanitarian and disease control projects in Low & Middle Income Countries, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, with WHO and Médecins Sans Frontières. His academic career started at the Institute for Tropical Medicine (Antwerp), where he was involved in malaria and HIV research and teaching activities. His main expertise lies in biostatistical support, designing and implementing (clinical) epidemiological study designs and conducting clinical trials (Phase 1-2-3). (Development of) molecular tools are incorporated in the majority of his studies. Apart from Malaria related research (main expertise), he has set up research lines on NCDs, cancer diagnosis & treatment, vaccine development, Covid-19 etc. with colleagues with complementary expertise.

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